

Why Sweep Your Chimney?

Protect you and your home

Your chimney is an important ventilation system that allows smoke and dangerous fumes to escape the home.

Carbon monoxide fumes can escape into your home if you chimney/flue is not cleaned or is blocked. Carbon Monoxide has no smell or tatse so you MUST have a working Carborn monoxide detector fitted in every room with a working appliance.

We can supply and install a new/replacement Carbon Monoxide detector, if required.

Dirty chimneys are the primary cause of chimney fire's.  By cleaning, you reduce the risk and its associated costs. The chimney gets clogged with soot and creosote, a tar like substance which is a by-product of burning fuels.

Over time it build's up, leaving a highly combustible glazing inside the chimney.  When the air supply is restricted, the burning process will produce more creosote.  Cleaning the chimney will help prevent this build up.

Nesting birds and rodents can also block the flue, preventing the escape of toxic fumes. This increases the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and  chimney fire's.

How often should my chimney be swept?

​Bitumous coal: Twice a year
Smokeless coal: Once a year
Wood: At least once a year (dependant on frequency of use)
Oil: Once a year
Gas: Once a year

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